Dr. Suzanne Simard will be presenting a keynote at the Soil Regen Summit 2021, on Tapping into the Parlance of Plant-Fungal Networks. Dr.Simard’s talk will go live on March 17 at 10 AM Pacific Time. She will also be in a live panel discussion at 1:30 PM Pacific Time, which will be followed by a breakout room.
This is a very exciting event that is being held in support of a wonderful cause: UK-based charity Tiyeni, which has helped over 17,000 farmers in Malawi, Africa, to double or even triple their yields in their first year of using regenerative agricultural techniques. This transforms the lives of these farmers who are able to provide an extra meal every day to their families. It only costs $50 to train a farmer for life!
Please click here to register for the Soil Regen Summit.
Here’s a list of the other keynote speakers who will be joining me at this exciting event:
Soil Scientist and Conservation Agronomist – Ray Archuleta
Ecologist, Researcher and Filmmaker – John D. Liu
Soil Health Pioneer and Renowned Rancher – Gabe Brown
Environmental Activist and Scholar – Dr. Vandana Shiva
Researcher and Farmer – Ernst Gotsch
Author and Renowned Mycologist – Peter McCoy
Author, Market Gardener and Educator – Jean-Martin Fortier
Soil Biology Pioneer – Dr. Elaine Ingham
Molecular Biologist and Research Scientist – Dr. David Johnson
Author, Educator and Soil Sponge Strategist – Didi Pershouse
Watershed restoration Expert – Zach Weiss
Food Forest Designer and Educator – Martin Crawford
Permaculture Designer, Educator and Author – Graham Bell
Chair of Tiyeni and Conservation Agriculture Expert – Colin Andrews
Biochar Expert and Permaculture Educator – Mark Shipperlee
Ecologist, Educator and Forest Farmer – Steve Gabriel
Farmer, Educator and Bionutrient Expert – Dan Kittridge
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